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This page will be a clearing house for the relocation information of the New Orleans street artists.

Buskers Bunkhouse Free Housing for Artists -

Artist Name

Contact Information


David and Roselyn

D-504-251-6515, R-504-606-0345.

Messges at 504-949-3001

David and Roselyn, P.O. Box 70813, New Orleans, LA 70170

We are at my father's cousin's widow's house with my cousin Gwen Foster at 422 Williamson St. in Alexandria, LA 71302-6046, 318-443-4430. Our cells are working now,D-504-251-6515, R-504-606-0345.

Ada Hahn


Staying in NYC with friends. Working on New Orleans relief efforts in NYC and produced New Orleans Second Line and Symbolic Jazz Funeral as part of NYC Village Halloween parade on October 31st.

Jeremy Lyons


In the Boston area with his family



Troy on TV playing the blues on Royal St. on network TV. Seem he stuck it out.

Tara and Willow

Wil Kennedy

123, 828 Royal St.

NO LA 70116


Reported they made it out of town by David and Roselyn. Report on 10/31/05 back in Jackson Square, NO

Stoney B and Grandpa

Relocated to Lubbock, TX.

See note below. Susan Shore, Lubbock Lake Landmark 806-742-1116

Kenny Holladay

Jeremy Lyons reported he made it out to stay with family in San Diego, CA

Peter (The Glassharper) Bennett



1000 Bourbon St. #290 New Orleans, LA 70116

(mail-drop -- probably not back in business yet)

504-481-4987 (spotty service at best).

Temporary residence: Plymouth, NY, 607-334-3041

Report on 10/31/05 back in Jackson Square, NO

Relocated to Up-State, New York. Will perform on East Coast streets for the fall and winter.

See notes below:

Ricky Breaux, Master soap carver

Peter Bennett letter states he made it out and was interviewed on NPR

Eve Dupont, Puppet Master

She was stuck in Blioxi while trying to escape N.O. She's OK and in Clearwater Beach, FL, but lost most of her superb marrionettes

Warpo Magician

"Amazed and Amused"

Magician Warpo went to Las Vegas, but intends to return to N.O. as soon as he can.


David Roe aka Dr.

"The Rounders"

1000 Bourbon Street #391 New Orleans, LA 70116

Phone/Fax (504) 525-1973

I am currently in Skaneateles NY doing the Dickens Christmas Show with my old buds and fellow monks- Michael Marzella, Jim Greene, Ray St Louis, the Nunny Nuns and a host o' local talent. We run weekends through December 18th.

This week former Queen and King of WooHoo!- Jim Havlin and Stacy St John- along with Curmudgeon Chef Clarence, formerly of Coops, Arnauds and Bernies passed the health and liquor boards in Havre De Grace, MD and will be opening their creole kitchen and Nawlins themed bar right across from the Aberdeen Proving Grounds just north of Baltimore. I will be spending the week helping them get up and going. Congrats!!! And WooHoo!

Chandler and I have a handful of dates in DC area the first weeks of January and will be heading to New York and New England January 20th. check out fordetails.

I plan on splitting my non musical time between getting OkeeDokee Gardens ready for Spring and helping out at Clarence's Kitchen

How am I able to do all this travelling? In my new (1996) Escort Station Wagon. Yes. I own an infernal combustion engine for the first time in nearly 10 years.

I miss the French Quarter and the ability to attain anything I needed on my bike, but those days are gone. I dream of New Orleans as it was, is , and could be, and ever the optimist, fear the worst. Fortunately, I knew New Orleans when Buster Holmes beans and rice were under a buck, and Booker played the Toulouse Theater almost every afternoon. I pray for my friends and fellow musicians who are struggling to bring the city back to life. God Bless Us, Every One.

Commercial note:

Only 19 shopping days till solstice. My two CDs on are on sale for $11.11. Such a deal. And so easy to wrap.

Also go there for the finest recording I have ever produced- Chris Chandler's American Storyteller. Great tales and pomes, Beautiful music and even a video shot at Mardi Gras 97, and The Rounders playing at Toulouse and Royal.

I hope the New Year is not so eventful, and that the republicans and their crony insiders get what is coming to them for their willful acts of violence around the world, and their lack of help to those who are suffering from the effects of their violence and lack of compassion.

As the keepers of the sacred flame say, "Blessed Be"


Marguerite Smith

See NY Times article 9/21, still playing on Burbon Street

Jake, Casey, Grandpa, Jacob, Robin

See NY Times article 9/21, conflicting information with other reports

Irina Filatova

(504) 473-3581


Hi, this is Irina, face-painter from New Orleans

I am stuck in Memphis with no car, and want to get out of here, but I do not know where to go. I am looking for info on housing for Katrina victims in San Francisco or Miami, I am also willing to join a travelling Co, which can use a face-painter, or relocate to any big city in USA or Europe with good public transportation system, where I can work either as a street artist or a booked entertainer for a circus, zoo etc...

Jose Torres Tama

Jose Torres Tama

2322 Dauphine Street, New Orleans, LA 70117

Tel: (504) 948-4607



Zeitgeist founder Rene Broussard evacuated to Memphis with his family and has relocated to Shreveport where he will be programming films with Artspace and the minicine?. He can be reached at:

Rene Broussard

c/o Orleans Square Apartments

8500 Jackson Square Place, Apartment 9F

Shreveport, LA 71115


504-352-1150 cell or 318-798-2092 home

Mary Howell

Mary Howell, Esq., Howell & Snead, 316 S. Dorgenois, New Orleans, 70119 504-822-4455

Attorney who has supported the New Orleans street artists and cultural community was seen live and well recently in New Orleans by Jeremy Lyons.

Sherrie R. Bias


Jazz vocalist is ok. Looking for work and financial support. See web site for details:

Sherrie R. Bias is noted for her outstanding vocal ability & dynamic stage presence. As a lover of both traditional and modern Jazz, Ms. Bias blends a unique quality of lively vocals with soulful and exciting interpretations.


Sherrie has gained a boasting reputation for jazzy improvisations, word play and mastery of scat. She effortlessly commands the stage with a style and grace of distinguishing her as new jazz royalty.


Born in New Orleans,Louisiana, and a woman of many talents. She is an Author, Singer /Songwriter and affectionate mother of two. She continues to perform in a wide variety of musical expressions including Gospel and Merenge.

From: "Peter Bennett" <>


Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 00:53:09 -0600



Subject: RE: How you doing?

Hey, Stephen ---

Thank you for your note and for your kind thoughts. I think it is just great that you have been able to negotiate a suspension of the Cambridge performers' fee for N.O. refugee entertainers -- it has been a revelation to see the outpouring of love and the desire to help by so many people and organizations. The N.Y. Philharmonic Carnegie Hall concert in support of the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra brought tears to my eyes knowing several friends from N.O. were privileged to be a part of that historic event.

I have returned to N.O. and spent the day today playing on Jackson Square for, mainly, relief workers and local returnees who were, to a person, very supportive and welcoming. Willow and Tara, also, were on the square.

The smell of rotting food in refrigerators abandoned on the street is at times overwhelming, but then there always have been noxious smells to deal with here and this new one will get cleaned up in due time. My own apartment suffered no major damage and I feel blessed after seeing the devastation so many suffered not a half a mile away in the Ninth Ward to the East and Uptown to the West.

One more name should be added to your list of those not yet heard from. Although she is not a street entertainer, street performance in N.O. would probably have died years ago but for her tireless advocacy. I hope Monday to bike up to S. Dorgenois St. to see if attorney Mary Howell is at her office.

Your N.O. Buskers' page is a treasure and was a source of solace as I sat in Central New York trying to piece together a degree of truth about the situation from conflicting reports. Although it may take a year to get the tourists and the conventioneers back I know it will happen. In the mean time the outpouring of affection from returning locals is enough to make me want to stay and do what I can to help with the reanimation of this historic district.

Thanks again for your concern and support of our extended community of buskers!


Peter (The Glassharper) Bennett



1000 Bourbon St. #290

New Orleans, LA 70116

Cell: 504-481-4987

New York Times article on New Orleans street musicians September 21st.

Marguerite Smith, one of the few remaining musicians in the city

"Jake, Casey, Grandpa - he plays the blues like you read about - Jacob and..." Ms. Smith paused, moving from foot to foot, her battery-powered sandals lighting up with each shuffle as she tried to remember. It was about the only light on Bourbon Street.

"And Robin, that little dude who plays the harmonica," she finally concluded.

Hi Stephen,

Glad to hear from you. Do you know if Grandpa got out?

Stony did, so did Tara and Willow, Grayson and Lisa. We saw Troy on TV playing the blues on Royal St. to no one. We don't know about other street performers.

We are going to tour to raise money for ourselves and for the New Orleans Musicians Clinic which gives free medical care to musicians is a good charity. They can be contacted at or Kathy Richard, 337.989.0001. Send donations to NOMC Emergency Fund, 103 Independence Blvd., Lafayette, LA 70506, fax 337-989-1401 e-mail is also setting us a charity to keep paying their musicians and of course there is the Jazz Foundation of America, We haven't heard of anyone setting up a charity for Street Musicians. Maybe you could help us set one up.

We are at my father's cousin's widow's house with my cousin Gwen Foster at 422 Williamson St. in Alexandria, LA 71302-6046, 318-443-4430. Our cells are working now,D-504-251-6515, R-504-6060-345.

We almost didn't leave either. Autumn was yelling if we died, she was going to kick our casket. She had us in stiches, but she was convincing enough that we left. We couldn't get RR Bill to leave with us. He stayed with Charmaine's and kept Stormy's dog, Cruiser. We know Charmaine got out, but we suspect Bill stayed with her dogs and cats and Cruiser.

We saw our house on satellite at It looks as though we have some roof damage. Everything from Ramparts to the river looks dry. I could drive to our house if I could get past the cops. I would like to get that roof fixed before we have worse damage, but of course the "powers that be" have their own agendas and our wishes don't count.

We are hoping to go on tour and have three gigs set up in Michigan and offers in other places including a gallery in MASS.

Let us know your address and what you hear about the "missing".

Thanks, DaRo


Hello Friends,


First off I want to thank so many of you who emailed us expressing

concern, prayers and good wishes. All of the Deltabilly Boys and families got out safely, although we worried for a while about Greg's girlfriends Julie, who was in a French Qtr hotel and moved to the Superdome. But she and her family are safe. Greg is in Ithaca, NY, thinking about moving to NYC. He was in Germany when the storm hit; it seems his neigborhood was not flooded, but he had no access to his instruments in his home. Paul and his family got out late Sunday night before the storm; they have been staying in their mobile home in a fishing camp in Livingston, La, 30 miles from Baton Rouge. They went back to Kenner (Jefferson Parish) to inspect their property: no flooding, but some roof damage. Needless to say, like thousands of others, they are eager to return home to make repairs before rain and other factors compound the damage. But the powers that be have a different agenda. Needless to say,!

I am horrified not only by the response to this disaster by EVERY LEVEL of government, but I am also distressed by the fact that hundred of well equipped, self-sufficient, organized citizens are in danger of being focibly evicted from homes and safe havens, even those that are in dry neighborhoods. But I will try to keep my rantings to a minimum, and get on with telling you about the band.

Saturday night before Katrina hit, myself, my wife Valery and our daughter Luciana evacuated to Baton Rouge with no difficulty. We brought with us our computers, about a weeks worth of clothes, five guitars, some musical equipment and Lucy's bicycle. For once my tendency to overpack paid off; we really didn't expect our street to be inundated by six to eight feet of water, but there it is. It soon became clear what was happening when the levee broke, and that we would not even be allowed home for months even to inspect and recover. In Baton Rouge, gas shortages, traffic jams, and local paranoia of so-called lawless "refugees" made our decision to move on rather easy. My wife and daughter flew out of Atlanta, and I drove up to meet them at my parents' house in Boston, hooking up a gig at the Pour House Music Hall along the way in Raleigh, NC. The proprietor, Marianne, alerted the media to my (our) plight, and long-story-short, I ended up on MSNBC. Here's the links to t!he article and video.

So now we have our daughter at a great school in Cambridge (my sister teaches there), and we are looking for an apartment and work. I got my "buskers' license" from the Cambridge Arts Council and I am playing on Harvard Square. (Back to the drawing board!) I will be plugging into the music scene here, getting involved with relief awareness/fundraising and hopefully will start touring the North East. Plans to reunite the band are on hold, as we wait and see how things develop both in New Orleans and for each of us individually. Maybe down there, maybe up here -- who knows??

I will be informing you all about relief afforts and tours. I am happy to say that I have not had any terrible news about any friends -- we have been contacting each other through text messages, emails, website, phone calls, etc. I did get some bad news, though: Gatemouth Brown finally succombed to lung cancer at his family's home in Texas yesterday morning. He was gigging till the end, right up to evacuation.

Peace and prosperity to you all, death and humiliation to tyrants.

Jeremy Lyons

Grandpa and Stonee are the toast of Lubbock TX. From:

Subject: Stoney B and Grandpa

Date: September 11, 2005 12:30:27 PM EDT


A bright spot in the night ....

Stoney B. and Grandpa are alive and well and living in Lubbock. The story as I know it....

Just before the storm hit, Grandpa was in the hospital for x-rays (don't know what the related injury or illness is/was), and eventually was evacuated to the Astrodome in Houston. In the meantime, Stoney went to the Superdome in NO, and eventually ended up on a plane to Lubbock and was here a few days before he hooked up with Grandpa and got him out here.

Shelter time is over, got an apartment yesterday, but Stoney got to be a bit of a celebrity when one of the local tv reporters interviewed him, found out he was a singer, and some folks from MHMR helped put him in touch with some other music folk here.

So now there is a new acoustic guitar, a new electric guitar and amp that you see in the attached photos (aptly named "Katrina"), new cowboy hat, new apartment, and Grandpa, which I suspect was the best gift.

They played last night at the Mean Woman Grill in Levelland, about 30 miles west of Lubbock, also home to South Plains College and their terrific bluegrass and traditional music program. That's where the photographs are from. First ever performance in Texas, and I suspect not the last.

Better days are coming.....

Susan Shore, Lubbock Lake Landmark 806-742-1116

Hey, Stephen ---

Thank you so much for your message and your concern. And bless you for the work you and your organization have been doing to help!

I was one of the ones lucky enough to have transportation to escape. David and Roselyn were flooded out in the By Water, are in Alexandria w/ friends and probably need clothes. Puppet Master Eve Dupont got stuck in Blioxi while trying to escape N.O. She's OK and in Clearwater Beach, FL, but lost most of her superb marrionettes. Magician Warpo went to Las Vegas, but intends to return to N.O. as soon as he can. Videos from N.O. show an occasional trumpeter or harmonica player playing the forlorn streets of the Quarter. No tourists, but, hey, its what we do!

I have escaped to Central New York state where I'm rotating among various family members so as not to outlive my welcome in any one place. Word has it that residents will be allowed back into the Quarter within the next few days to check on their properties. Since I haven't been able to contact my landlord I don't know if I have a home to go home to. Secondly, of course, there will be no audiences there for Lord knows how long.

I suspect I will go Burlington to catch the "leaf-peeper" tourists and then to Clearwater Beach, FL, where I know I can play at the Pier 60 "Sunset Celebration" every evening. On the way, I'll take a detour to N.O. to see if any damage was done at my apartment.

The outpouring of love, concern and charity I have seen after the disaster on the Gulf Coast is nearly overwhelming. Of course in the days right after the storm it didn't take much to get me crying. Glued, as I was, to the TV and NPR I saw several friends and acquaintances coping with the aftermath. A few nights after the levees broke, however, capped it. Listening to NBC-TV with only partial attention I thought I heard a name I should recognize. The reporter was interviewing a fellow who was walking west on an elevated section of I-10 with his meager possessions on a folding hand cart behind him. What riveted my attention was when I heard him say, in a Cajun accent an alligator couldn't chomp through, "Well, I've got my soap with me."

It was my homeless friend Ricky Breaux, a master soap carver, who made his living carving cakes of soap into cartoon characters and selling them on the street in New Orleans. Ironically there had been no mention of his occupation, so to someone just tuning in he probably sounded like someone who, in the exigency of evacuation, wanted to make sure he could stay clean!

I met Ricky last year when he fell in love with my new puppy, KD. He squatted down behind me as I played my glass harp on Jackson Square and asked if he could do a portrait of her. Though only about nine months old at the time she sat perfectly still for the next half hour while Ricky carved a remarkable likeness right down to her four large black spots, which he applied with Magic Marker. The soap sculpture sat on the fireplace mantle in my French Quarter apartment and I cried once again realizing it may not have survived.

But then again it may have. It is fairly clear, at this point, that the flood waters never reached up onto Dumaine Street, one of the higher points in New Orleans. It was the height of the land, of course, that led Sieur de Bienville to build his colony there nearly 300 years ago. Several city-wide fires, innumerable hurricanes, disease, pestilence and wars have not wiped out my favorite city in the world. This disaster won't either.

Peter (The Glassharper) Bennett



1000 Bourbon St. #290 (mail-drop -- probably not back in business yet)

New Orleans, LA 70116

504-481-4987 (spotty service at best).

Temporary residence: Plymouth, NY, 607-334-3041


Celebrating self-expression as a basic human right essential for the

healthy growth of youth, individuals and communities


Stephen H. Baird, Founder and Executive Director

PO Box 300112, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130-0030

Telephone: 617-522-3407


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FLASH NEWS: Federal Law Suit to protect rights of street artists in Boston served on August 3, 2004

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Copyright © 1999-2005 by Stephen Baird