Model Regulations
Hello Folks!
This is a copy of model street performance regulations. Three different model regulations are presented from a simple small town resolutions supporting street performances to a large city full scale ordinance. These model ordinances are based upon actual regulations from cities throughout the United States (Buffalo, NY, Cambridge, MA, Hartford, Ct., Toledo, OH, East Lansing, MI, Saint Louis, MO). Some copies of these regulations are provided on a second page click here. They also reflect current case law which gives First Amendment protection to street performances. The most important court cases are Goldstein v. Town of Nantucket, 477 F. Supp., 606, (1979); Davenport v Alexandria, VA 683 F2d 853 (1983), 710 F2d 148 (1983), 748 F2d 208 (1984); and Friedrich v. Chicago 619 F. Supp., 1129. (D.C. Ill 1985) (The last case concerning the Chicago ordinance time and place restrictions were vacated). Two new cases Turley vs NYC was favorably decided in May 1997, including a substantial financial settlement 988 F.Supp, 667 & 675 (1997), Turley vs NYC US 2nd Cir Appeal 98-7114. Court case decided in December 2001 with ACLU support protects street performances on Kalakaua Ave. in Waikiki, Hawaii (Decision still not published Williams, and all vs City and County of Honolulu, First Cir. Ct. of the State of Hawaii, civ No. 00-1-2039-06 VLC). See the Legal Citations page for details and many of the court cases are available on this site.
Cities and towns are required to find the least restrictive means for regulating First Amendment expression such as street performing. The cities and towns are required to present actual public safety data to justify any restrictions and regulations they enact. Generally, there should be a minimum of specific geographic location exclusions and time restrictions upon street performing.
Many city regulations are decades old. Some regulations are over 100 years old. These old unconstitutionally restrictive laws will not change unless someone takes action.
Regulations can be helpful to street artists because they can describe in detail what activities the police can regulate and set specific limits on enforcement. Without a regulation to protect the street artists from the police all performances are often stopped.
Regulations can also help street artists come to terms with overcrowded performance locations and excessive volume conflicts. These regulations set 50 feet distances between artists and set a volume level of 80 decibel at 25 feet (Average background noise from cars, busses, air conditioners and other community activities on a busy street corner is often higher than 80db).
A UCLA Department of Urban Planning research book chapter summary on the use of public space can be found on this web site at: Sidewalk Democracy: Municipalities and the Regulation of Public Space
These WEB sites will highlight regulations around the world. Some can be downloaded as pdf files: or Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA permit and regulations web site. San Antonio, TX Volunteer Permit San Francisco Fisherman's Wharf Regulations with both scheduled spots and First Amendment areas Mytle Beach, SC Regulations Santa Monica, CA Venice Beach, CA Melbourne, Australia regulations Sidney Australia Stonnington, Australia Singapore Busking regulations Calgary, Alberta, Canada Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Wellington, New Zealand
Visit six city sample regulations page two by clicking here. or clicking the city link below:
However, there is no substitute for open and honest communication between all street artists amongst themselves as well as with the communities where performances occur. There is a symbiotic relationship between artists and their community. Read William H. Whyte's Rediscovering the Center City, Doubleday, New York, NY, 1988, for an in-depth analysis of the street artists relationship with the urban landscape. If street artists are so loud as to interfere with each other or choose to disregard how their performances effects on the entire community then everybody suffers.
So share the space, trade off time slots, make sure the crowd does not totally block the sidewalks, challenge and entertain your audiences, listen and support each other.
IMPORTANT: Please consider sendng in a $10 donation for this information. It takes time and money ($1000 year) to keeep it posted and updated. Make checks payable to Community Arts Advocates in US Dollars International Postal Money Orders and send to:Street Arts Advocates, P.O. Box 300112, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 USA
Good luck with your performances and keep me updated and informed of new court cases, legal issues and performance locations.
Section l, Purpose
WHEREAS it is the intent of the City Council to encourage within the central business district and other public places a free exchange of social, cultural and entertainment opportunities between members of the public.
Section 2, Definition
For purposes of this Resolution street musicians are defined as follows: a composer, conductor, or performer of vocal, instrumental, or mechanical sounds having rhythm, melody or harmony.
Section 3, Contributions
Street musicians, mimes, dancers and theater groups shall be permitted to perform for the public upon the public streets and within the public places of the City, and shall be permitted to solicit and accept voluntary contributions from members of the public who wish to reward such activity.
Section 4, Conduct
(a) The above permitted activities shall not be considered "begging" in connection with the City enforcement of its Disorderly Conduct Code being section______, nor shall they be considered a "trade or business" for which a license might be required under Chapter ______ of the City Code.(b) Street musicians and other performers shall at all times comply with all other provisions of the City Code, specifically including the City Noise Ordinance and Code provisions prohibiting the obstruction of sidewalks and public passage.
Section l, Purpose
The purpose of this article is to encourage and permit street performance in public areas.
Section 2, Definitions
For the purpose of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings hereinafter set forth except where such terms area used in a context which clearly indicates to the contrary."Perform" includes, but is not limited to, the following activities: acting, singing, playing musical instruments, pantomime, juggling, magic, dancing and reciting.
"Public Areas" include sidewalks, parks, playgrounds and all other public ways located in the City of ____________, as appropriate.
Section 3 Permitted Performance Locations
(a) In outdoor public areas in the following zoning districts: ________________ If the zoning code is changed or new zoning districts created that encompass, this ordinance will cover such areas until a revision is made.(b) A performer may not block the passage of the public through a public area. If a crowd gathers to see or hear a performer such that the passage of the public through a public area is blocked, a police officer may disperse that portion of the crowd that is blocking the passage of the public. In the event the blocking of passage persists, said officer shall cause the performer to relocate to a less congested area.
(c) It shall be unlawful for any performer to totally obstruct streets and sidewalks or to interrupt free passage along the same.
(d) No performer or group shall perform at a distance of less than 50 feet from another performer or group of performers that already is performing.
Section 4, Exclusion of Public Areas
At the discretion of the Director of Public Works, Safety, and the Commission of Cultural Affairs, certain designated areas may be excluded from further performances in emergencies for ten days.Public hearings are required for exclusion of public areas greater than ten days.
Section 5, Acceptance of Contributions
(a) A performer may accept contributions during the performance and such acceptance shall not constitute a violation of "begging" conduct under the provisions of Section _____.(b) The performance and acceptance of contributions, if such occur in a permitted area as provided in Section 3(a), will not constitute disorderly conduct under the provisions of Section ____________.
Section 6, Compliance
The conduct and behavior of all street performers will be in compliance with the existing codes, which includes but is not limited to the Noise and Vibration Act, the Truancy Laws, the Public Decency Codes and the laws on the obstruction of sidewalks and other passageways, as well as pamphleteering, advertising or solicitation.
This ordinance shall become effective upon adoption.
Section l, Definitions
The following terms are defined for the purpose of this regulation as follows:(a) "Perform" includes, but is not limited to, the following activities: acting, singing, playing musical instruments, pantomime, juggling, magic, dancing and reciting.
(b) "Performer" means an individual who owns a permit pursuant to the provisions of this Regulation.
(c) "Public Areas" includes sidewalks, parks, playgrounds, and all other public ways located in the City of __________.
Section 2, Prohibition
(a) No person may perform in the public area without having obtained a permit issued under Section 3 of this Regulation.(b)Any person who performs in a public area without a permit issued under Section 3 of this Regulation shall be fined not more than $25. The proceeds of any such fine shall be directed to the General Fund and appropriated to the budget of the Arts Council. Any person paying such a fine in excess of $l0 may obtain a permit under Section 3 of this Regulation without paying a fee therefor if application for such permit is made within 30 days of such payment.
Section 3, Permit
(a) A permit shall be issued by the Arts Council to each applicant therefor in exchange for a completed application and a fee of $l0, subject to the provisions of Section 8 of this Regulation.(b) A completed application for a permit shall contain the applicant's name, address, and telephone number and shall be signed by the applicant.
(c) A permit shall be valid from the date on which it is issued through December 3l of the year in which it is issued.
(d) A permit shall contain the name and permit number of the applicant plus the year in which the permit is valid and any special allowance made by the Arts Council pertaining to the permit.
(e) A permit shall be non-transferable.
(f) Upon issuing a permit, the Arts Council shall also issue the perfomer a printed copy of this Regulation.
Section 4, Display of Permit
A performer shall show it to any police officer of the City of _____________ upon request.
Section 5, Permitted Performances
Section 6, Legal Conduct
Section 7, Exclusion of Public Areas
Section 8, Revocation of Permit
Street Arts and Buskers Advocates
Copyright © 1999-2016 by Stephen Baird